My adventure in Pangnirtung began with a Facebook post by a friend - a job posting that read "Environmental Wellness Intern - Graduate Student Internship Program (GSIP)." The Hamlet of Pangnirtung in Nunavut was looking for an intern to come work with the community's Economic Development Officer for the summer. Reading the qualifications section I thought "wow this is the perfect fit for me!" They were looking for a University of Alberta grad student with an Environmental Studies (and or Urban and Regional Planning) background. Despite having both those things I was hesitant because I would have to move all the way to Nunavut and I'd never been north of the 60th parallel before. But I applied anyway, and now I'm writing this blog from my very own little office in Pang :) I've been here for a week now and it's been great so far! So...don't be afraid to take chances! Super cliché I know, but it's true.

Look at this view! There are mountains in every direction!